Weight loss in Atkins diet without hunger

Founded in 1972, Dr. Robert Atkins is one of the most famous dieting systems. It has proven effective in weight loss remarkably quickly, and without generating a sense of hunger for its followers. Regim etkins is the loss of excess weight by taking healthy protein and fats, reducing the intake of carbohydrates and relying on fiber-rich vegetables.

Regime Atkins

Athena is a major source of energy instead of carbohydrates, which makes the body in a constant state of fat burning. The essential calories of the body are consumed daily, mainly through protein and fat.

 It is known that the body needs calories continuously, and thus it derives energy through two sources: sugar and carbohydrates converted to sugar or fat. The excess is diverted from the body's need for fat to be used when necessary.

 4 stages of Atkins

| Phase I: Initiation or Start

The main goal of this phase, is to convert fat into the main energy source, starting with weight loss, by eating a maximum of 20 grams of carbohydrates per day. This phase extends for at least two weeks.
Foods that are allowed to be eaten at this stage include: eggs, non-starchy vegetables, fish, seafood, cheese and unsaturated oils, as well as drinking 8 glasses of water a day, and a cup or two cups of tea and coffee.

Phase II: Continuous weight loss

During this phase, the daily carbohydrate intake is increased by 5 grams per week. The body's tolerance to carbohydrate is tested. If weight loss stops, carbohydrates are stopped or reduced again.
Additional foods allowed: dairy products, nuts and fruits.

Phase III: Pre-weight stabilization

This phase depends on increasing the daily carbohydrate content by 10 grams per week. During this phase the same foods and drinks are taken in the previous two stages. However, the difference is in the new options for increasing the proportion of daily carbohydrates.

Additional foods allowed: vegetables rich in starches, grains, oats, brown rice and sugary fruits.

During this phase, the amount of carbohydrates that are appropriate for you is identified. Experimentation is needed, especially with new foods in the dietetics list.

Stage IV: Weight stabilization

During this phase, dietetics change from diet to lifestyle. The secret to this is due to how many carbohydrates are appropriate for you and which have been identified during the previous stages.
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