Emma Watson's "Wrong Tattoo" at the Oscars

British actress Emma Watson appeared on the red carpet at the Oscars with a big push on her arm in honor of the Times Up campaign supporting victims of harassment, abuse and abuse at their workplace.
However, its goal in support of this campaign at the world concert was not complete, after it showed its tattoos a legal error, represented by the absence of a comma that shortens the slogan of the campaign "Time is up". Instead, the label "Times Up" appeared, Mirror "of the British.

The famous British girl, dressed in a Ralph Lauren black dress, glowed at the Vanity ceremony before the Oscars
Although it is unclear whether the tattoo is permanent or temporary, it appears that the Harry Potter star did not realize that the tattoo lacks a comma between E and S craftsmen.

In February 2017, Emma Watson donated £ 1 million to the Victims of Sexual Harassment Fund before showing her solidarity with the Me Too movement at the BAFTA ceremony.

On Wednesday evening, March 4, 2018, the Oscar ceremony was held in Hollywood with the participation of world celebrities. The Shape Of Water won the Best Film award.
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