When Hella was bathed her ear fell ...
She tried to remember the last time she saw her. She did not remember. She must have fallen into the detergent shop or while she was cleaning the house, whatever she was, she simply disappeared.
In the past few weeks, others have had to raise their voices as they talk to him. Yesterday, I lost the ability to hear any sound.
I stood in the middle of the bathroom, and the "shower" water ran over her shoulders.
What would you say to her husband today?
Will you take up his scolding again?
Or will you spend her night suckling the young and crying?
I felt a softness in her heart. I looked at the fingernails of her hands, which were also melted, which she hid with a layer of transparent paint, the ends of her fingers hurting her when she bumped into things. Sometimes the pain ran away in the shape of ah. I learned to prevent this aching bite on her lips.
I thought of what the doctor who visited him had said: "It starts gradually and then everything falls like a curtain thrown at once."
Cold water hit her back, pulled her hair from both sides and covered her ears thinking how the holes would hide?
I approached the longitudinal mirror but the thick steam blocked it. I wiped the mirror and the steam accumulated again. I felt a great helplessness. Even the mirror stands against it and does not see it itself. I thought as it chewed its lip. What do you want to see?
Hila, the girl who runs the heads with her vitality no longer exists, the girl who was in her youth a raging fire, is now contemplating a way to hide the disintegration of her body from others, if he knew Sam would destroy the rest of her soul with his fierce charisma.
Since he stopped loving her, his face has covered the mask of a comedian, and all he wants is to make the audience laugh at all costs. If he discovers the absence of her ears, he will wait for the family meeting and then begin with these movements, like shaking her hair or challenging her.
The daily play, which begins after dinner, will be her hero. She will eventually get angry and run to the small room, clutching the door loudly and listening to the parents and the rest of the audience who will be hurling the ball of pity. "I was joking.
Heyla remembers how well it started?
When she found her first child, one of her teeth fell, and with the birth of her second child, she noticed that she had closed her eyes and was horrified. When she discovered a mistress in Sam's life, her teeth were washed at once, brushing her in the morning. She fell with the water in the sink like broken glass and melted with foam. The absence of her teeth was demanded in the presence of his parents and friends to open her mouth for a second and then laugh in a cheap laugh.
She asked for a divorce but the judge told her that the two children would be the husband. Before she left the room, she felt that her shoes were wide.
Sam has been absent from the house and is hinting at his young mistresses with healthy buttocks, but she has learned to ignore and excelled in it.
Yesterday morning she was preparing the bottle of milk for the baby when her phone rang and told her he would not be back today either.
"It's okay," she said to him in a voice that made it seem natural.
She told her that if she wished sincerely, the mirror would hear her, so she closed her eyes and said, gluing her face to the mirror: "I told him that if she wanted to be truthful, the mirror would tell her. I do not go back or disappear. "
The mirror heard her voice and her solid page fluttered and turned into a tortured river. Then she saw a shadow forming, it was her shadow that gradually became clear, and then she knew what she would do.
She shaved the shampoo in the palm of her hand and began to rub her head. The hair was melting with the soap until it faded. The two feet fell and her knees hit the tattoos. Her trunk also died and dissipated before reaching the ground. The thick eyelashes that ran the heads were also non-existent. Which were the color of dark chocolate flew into the mirror.
Only the beating heart remained above the tiles like a giant strawberry, which rose every two minutes under cold spray.
A young woman with long hair, shiny nails and attractive breasts looked up and looked at what was left of Heila. The woman smiled, her small teeth appeared, the heart beating on the floor of the bathroom. His smile charmed him. He jumped like a bird, stumbled twice before he could jump. The heart to its place .. the condensation of steam and covered the mirror, which gradually occupied her page, and closed its gates as the door closes a magical palace.
In front of the magic door there is a bathroom, outside the bathroom there is a sharp sun, dusty streets, hard guts, and stupid TV .. Neighbors gossip, wars .. Inside the mirror, there is a silver moon and unlimited plain, there is a fresh morning and a waiting horse ..
Haile now has a lover roaming with the plains, and they see each morning who collects the most butterflies. (In the world of mirrors there is no memory, no laws, no time, only yellow lawns and lovers do not know boredom).