Boredom is a major and important reason behind any naive and foolish act that we may commit, so that we can kick it out of some of the empty hours we experience. It is the main engine of all our stupid ideas and choices, but some people try to kill their boredom, And some of them led them to prison, where some of them might be able to stand behind their bars, to think carefully about what they did to their freedom.
The US military "Melissa Harbor", is in itself the most realistic example of what we said, where the US police in the state of Florida, arrested two days ago, after calling 32 times the emergency number "911", in less than 24 hours, and all She even ordered - of course - an ice cream tray in the hotel room where she was staying.
According to the Daily Mail newspaper, last Tuesday, Harbor had called the number of assistance for 27 consecutive times from the city of "Lysberg" in Alabama, the United States of America, and the last five calls, they made them from her room in a hotel in Florida, Not only did Harbour do so, she made two additional calls to two non-helpers, all in less than 24 hours.
US media quoted one of the officers who responded to her calls that he had responded to 4 calls at different times from Harbor, all from the hotel room in Florida, where in the first place, I was informed that she had heard strange sounds in her room, and she felt With fear and fear.
In the second call, the officer said that Melissa Harbor was teasing him during the joke with him and suggested that he bring her a little ice cream. During the third call the officer personally answered, Harbor claimed that she had called the help number By mistake, and she wanted to contact someone else.
Although the officer had warned her of tampering with the 911 number without any emergency, and what she was doing was a violation of the law, he had a fourth call from Harbor, and this time she was arguing that she was hungry and wanted to contact Famous pizza restaurants in the state, and that this call was also inadvertent.
After the US police in Florida tracked down the phone number that Melissa Harbor had been in contact with and was able to find out the address of the hotel where she was staying, police rushed to the hotel and arrested her. She is now behind the bars of a prison in the state, where she was placed under severe surveillance.
That ends the day of Melissa Harbor boring behind the bars of the prison, after trying to kill her boredom in the shortest way to jail, and to become out of the law less than 24 hours, and perhaps behind the bars now, may think much before using her phone for any reason .