Influential moment of farewell to another white century on Earth

The world's second-largest male northern rhinoceros, called Sudan, has been killed by "age-related complications," researchers said on Tuesday, asking whether there was hope of extinction of extinction strains with the help of in vitro fertilization.

The 45-year-old rhino was killed on Monday after his condition deteriorated and he could no longer stand, and his muscles and bones deteriorated and appeared on his skin, a statement from the Kenya-based environmental conservation organization Begita Conservation said in Kenya. Wide wounds.

"Euthanasia was the best choice because his condition deteriorated to an unfair level," said Samuel Mottisia, chief conservation officer at the First Beggita Conservation, to the Associated Press.

The rhino was part of an ambitious effort to rescue sub-strains of extinction with the help of two still alive.

Another single white male white male was born in Sudan and was taken to a Czech zoo and then to Kenya in 2009.

In addition, his genetic material was collected yesterday, giving hope for future attempts to clone the northern white rhinoceros through advanced cellular technologies "He said.
"There is no guarantee that artificial insemination will work," Philip Murthy, vice president of species protection at the African Wildlife Foundation, told the National Geographic magazine. "It will cost more than $ 9 million. What happened is a bitter lesson to keep. On species ".
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