McDonald's has decided to exclude the Cheeseburger sandwich from the US's Happy Mile menus and reduce the fried potatoes in the Meets Mail meals as part of a new global plan to cut calories and make children's food healthier.
The changes announced by the world's largest fast food company were coupled with global limits for calorie, sodium, saturated fat and added sugar for the first time when manufactured at Happy Mile meals.
Advisors and sales concessions have made it clear that Happy Mile meals make up about 15 percent of McDonald's sales in the United States.
By 2022, McDonald's aims to have at least half of the children's meals offered around the world at 600 calories or less, 10 percent saturated fat, 650 mg of sodium and 10 percent of added sugar at production.
Elsalera restaurants in the United States will continue to serve cheese burgers on request to stimulate customers to change their food behavior, Reuters reported.
The company made a similar decision for soft drinks in baby meals in 2013, resulting in some customers choosing water, milk or juice instead.
McDonald's said it would cut calories and sodium in the Mac Nacht Meat Mill meal, which contains six pieces of chicken and is offered to older children, by halving the share of fried potatoes.
McDonald's also plans to increase markets where children's toys will be offered from 20 to 100 markets by 2019.
The company has been heavily criticized in the past for using toys to promote meals.