Two Britons sue Google for $ 1 billion

A British couple snatched $ 1.4 billion from Google after the company was sued and Adam and Chiffon Rav, 51 and 49, left their jobs to create their site, but they received successive hits from the search engine that caused them heavy losses.

The British Unilad website said that Foundem was launched in 2005 as a price comparison site and was designed to reach parts of the Internet that Google did not address.

 But Google's aggressive tactics caused their site to be destroyed. A few days after it was launched, Google noticed that Google was deliberately sending it to the tail of the search results, and after it first came to the fore, it was sent to the 80th level only days later.

The couple confirmed that they tried to contact Google, but to no avail, and the fifth channel signal did not help them to be the best price comparison site in the UK.

"It was clear we had to go to war," said Ms. Ruff. "At this point we said that Google is not scary, it's a mistake, we'll win."

A year after Google filed a complaint, Google finally lifted the site blockade, increasing traffic by 10,000 percent.

The couple submitted their case to the European Commission for Competition in Brussels and were the first plaintiffs in a case that soon involved other affected institutions.

The European Commissioner for Competition said that Google had "abused its control of the market" forcing it to pay the huge fine.
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