"Israel" is complete ... Where is Palestine?

It seems that Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Zionist state is only a step in an integrated project, perhaps the so-called "century deal", although this deal is about "reconciliation" by Arab regimes with that state. It seems that what the Zionist state is doing is the introduction to this deal.

After this recognition by Trump, the Zionist Knesset decided that any decision concerning the fate of Jerusalem must be approved by two-thirds of the members, thus enshrining the annexation of Jerusalem (with its expanded borders, where no one knows where the Zionist leaders are), whose eastern part was supposed to be covered by the resolution 242, which was thought to be the boundary between the two states: Palestinian and Jewish.

But this is a first step as it seems, as the ruling Likud Party took a decision to annex settlements in the West Bank. It seems that this is what the Oslo agreement called the "C", which includes agricultural land in the West Bank, , Which includes most of the West Bank, which was controlled by the Zionist state and 60% of the territory of the West Bank.

 Meaning that what remains "outside annexation" is the basic cities, villages that are subject to the security of the Zionist state and administratively to the Palestinian Authority. Whose land is part of the "Land of Israel" but does not want to annex it because it means the annexation of millions of new Zionist state, which creates a demographic imbalance does not want.
This perspective is based on the five evils identified by the leaders of the Zionist state since the occupation of the West Bank in 1967. It is not a Palestinian state, no withdrawal from Jerusalem, no withdrawal from the Jordan Valley, no return of Palestinian refugees and no removal of settlements.

The years since then have been years of preparation and waiting for opportunities to do so "on the ground", and this seems to be possible now. That is why practical steps have begun to pass the order "legally" through Knesset legislation. A problem that hinders this is how to limit the Palestinian population in isolation so that they can be removed from the annexation of the state, since the land is "the land of Israel" as planned since the idea of ​​the "Jewish state" was presented at the Basel Conference.

During the 1948 war, the massacres were adopted for displacement, and the largest possible area was occupied without population density. However, when it occupied the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, it was suffering from the density of the Palestinian population, so it tightened the pressure to reduce the Palestinian population and separated the Gaza Strip from the West Bank, removing it from the annexation, but accelerated settlement expansion in the West Bank. Take control of the land, also erected a wall of isolation, bypass roads and cut off communication between its regions, and try to limit the population in major cities.

All this took place during the years of occupation, and was more accelerated during the Oslo period. As a result, the separation wall was built and the bypass roads were built. It was clear that the Palestinian Authority is the cover for achieving all this. The Oslo agreement provided for the establishment of a Palestinian civil self-administration. This has been achieved with the establishment of security apparatuses whose doctrine is "fighting terrorism", which means fighting anyone who thinks of confronting the Zionist state.
And thus created the security forces of the population themselves, in order to be "worthy" of the achievement of "expanded autonomy" was the basis of Zionist policy since 1967, which is the autonomy of the population only, and was also proposed to be in connection with Jordan, or the Zionist perspective to be Population in connection with Jordan, and that the regime in Jordan has "political control" over the population.

What is contained in the leaks about the deal of the century includes linking the population in the West Bank with Jordan, and in Gaza with Egypt. In the sense that what is preparing today is the full realization of the Zionist solution. The solution that relieves the Zionist state of the burden of the population of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, keeps its control over the land, controls the borders, and Palestine becomes the "Jewish state".

What is now showing is the arrival of the Zionist project to its completion, by annexing all the land of Palestine, without bearing the burden of the remaining population in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Where they will be offered a formula of "expanded autonomy", or more of autonomy and less than a state, which is related to the population only.

In a relationship with Jordan and Egypt. This is why Palestine is absent and the illusion of a two-state solution falls under a global recognition of the "fait accompli". All this was "under our eyes," but it is overshadowed by illusions about a settlement, a two-state solution, international legitimacy and other illusions about the revolution that began more than half a century ago as a comic power and the struggle to beg through negotiations.

Let us now try to break the delusions, although the Authority has found no choice but to exaggerate in the same policy, in the hope of obtaining recognition that it is a "state under occupation," which is not allowed by the international situation, and in fact does not mean anything because the Zionist state will rearrange the situation Power to serve its perspective. It can do so as long as it maintains the security structure in the areas of power.

Therefore, the course of the settlement led to the destruction of the revolution, the marginalization of its organizations, and its siege in limited areas, at a time when negotiations gave time to the Zionist state to arrange its control according to the conception that it formulated since the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. To complete its project now, and to show that the two-state solution was a game played by the Palestinian organizations, and then the Palestinian Authority.

It was clear the Zionist perspective for those who were a little scrutinized in the schemes and ideas that were put forward by the Zionist state and the ruling parties in it, and it was clear that it will reach this point, which was translated into resolutions issued by the Knesset. It was also clear that the deviation of the ten points decided in the Palestinian National Council in 1974 would only lead to the destruction of the revolution. But the reality has shown how the Palestinian people have been plagued by stupid and weak leaders, and perhaps even more so.

Therefore, the perception that the conflict with the Zionist state, which is part of the imperialist system, must be reconstructed is a unilateral conflict, not a possible compromise. If Israel is now complete, Palestine must be restored.
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