Israeli study: the deal of the century aims to achieve the US national security strategy

A study published by the Israeli National Security Research Center found that US President Donald Trump, through his proposals to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, called the "Century Deal", aims to create regional conditions that contribute to the goals of the recently announced US National Security Strategy .

According to the study prepared by General Shimon Arad, and published by the Center on its website on Thursday, the Trump administration commissioned Arab regimes to work to bring the Palestinians to the table of negotiations with Israel and at the same time give legitimacy to the concessions that will have to be submitted to Israel. According to Trump, the Arab countries must provide financial cover that allows the Palestinians to be tempted to return to negotiations and make concessions.

According to the study, the Trump administration is based on the assumption that the national interests of the United States require a long-term role in the Middle East, which must create a regional environment to ensure that the role is played in appropriate conditions.

According to the US National Security Strategy, the Sunni Arab states allied with Washington must play a central role in achieving the objectives of this strategy by contributing to the creation of conditions for the resumption of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

She pointed out that the solution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict provides an environment that allows the strengthening of relations between Tel Aviv and the Gulf states. The study shows that the strengthening of Israeli-Gulf relations plays an important role in the US national security strategy, as strengthening these relations is a prerequisite for weakening Iran.

She pointed out that although the Trump administration claims that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict does not play an important role in the instability of the region, on the other hand, the achievement of a solution to this conflict will lead to the development of a new balance of power that improves the ability of Washington to achieve its interests, Will lead to the justification of cooperation between Israel and the Arab states in the face of common threats.

The Trump administration is trying to push Israel to return to negotiations through temptations, while imposing sanctions on the Palestinian side to convince him that he will lose a lot if he refuses to respond to the American initiative.

The author of the study notes that although the terms of the American initiative have not been formally announced, it is clear that it refuses to conduct negotiations in stages with the aim of reaching temporary solutions, but rather aims at reaching a permanent solution directly.

Arad concludes that the Trump administration is based on the assumption that temporary settlements prolong the negotiations in such a way as to create conditions conducive to damaging Israel's relations with the Gulf states.

The Trump administration believes that solving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will contribute to the stability of the region and will transform the balance of power in a way that will help achieve US security and economic interests.

The study stressed that the Trump administration in its efforts to push towards a settlement of the conflict is keen to achieve clear interests and does not give weight to the systems of values ​​that seized the behavior of previous administrations, pointing out that Trump seems unwilling to engage in a debate on historical rights.

The study urged decision-makers in Tel Aviv to define the strategic objectives of any negotiations with the Palestinians, so that these goals are formulated in a manner that would intersect with American objectives.

According to the study, the Trump administration, by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the decision to transfer the US embassy to the city and impose sanctions on the Palestinians, wants to send a letter to the PA leadership in Ramallah that if it continues to refuse the vehicles of the century deal it will lose, while Israel wins.

The author of the study argues that Trump's avoidance of supporting the idea of ​​a two-state solution comes under the pressure of the Palestinians to convince them that there is much to lose if they do not accept American ideas.
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